Poe Museum members were treated to an extra special experience on August 6th and 13th – they participated in a private paranormal investigation with help from the nice folks from Spirited History.
Spirited History is a locally-based group of investigators that aspires “to bring attention to historic sites with a spirited past from around the United States.”

Spirited History shared tips about paranormal investigation techniques and Museum members had an opportunity to work with equipment used by professional ghost hunters in a setting that is reportedly rife with spirit activity. (The Poe Museum plays host to about half a dozen paranormal investigator groups each year.)

Items used in ghost hunts can be as simple as something like a ball or a tin cup (intended to trigger a response from any spirits that may be present) or as high tech as an EMF reader or a digital recording device. Personal experiences of ghost hunters while on site can also be taken into account. All of the data collected on a given ghost hunt is then examined for anomalies that might indicate spirit activity.
Spirited History even shared some EVPs (electronic voice phenomena) that they have collected at the Poe Museum and other haunted sites in the area with our members.
This event proved very popular, so I would not be at all surprised if we do more guided ghost hunts in the future. Hopefully we can make them available to the general public as well as to members.
The Poe Museum has several members-only events during the course of each year so if you are not yet a Poe Museum Member, why not consider joining today? You can do so in just a few clicks of your mouse: http://www.poemuseum.org/membership.php. Not only will you get advance notice of cool events like our guided ghost hunt, but you’ll be helping to support the Poe Museum so that it can be around for future generations to enjoy!